- Anchor Text Definition

About Anchor Text

This page is about Anchor Text.

To rank well in search engine results under the term "Anchor Text," ideally every link pointing to this page should use the words "Anchor Text" in the link-text.

Definition of Anchor Text

Anchor text is the text contained in a link. It is called anchor text because it links one "anchor" to another "anchor" in the World Wide Web.

Anchor Text in Code

A webpage viewer sees anchor text as something like this:  This is a Link.

The HTML code that your web browser sees looks like this:

<a href="document-source.html">This is a Link</a>

The "a" stands for "anchor text".

Next: Using Anchor Text.

»» About the Author

Sean Odom runs a Houston, Texas based SEO Consulting firm specializing in search
engine marketing and Social Media Optimization.